Module Gedcom.GedcomHelpers

module GedcomHelpers: sig .. end

val concat : Gedcom.gedcom_line list -> Gedcom.gedcom_line list
Concatenation of CONT / CONC lines groups.
val trim_xref : string -> string
Trim characters which are not part of the xref (i.e. leading and trailing ' ' and '@')
val parse_name : string -> string option * string option * string option
Split name in first name / last name / title.
val name_first : string option * string option * string option -> string
Extract first name part of a gedcom name or raise Not_found.
val name_last : string option * string option * string option -> string
Extract last name part of a gedcom name or raise Not_found.
val name_title : string option * string option * string option -> string
Extract title part of a gedcom name or raise Not_found.