A paragraph is made by one or more lines.
A blank line separates them.
Write documents using bold, italic, underline and strike.
Nest them!
H2O needs a subscript, and 35Br needs superscript.
Douse beautifiers if you please.
Yοu mαy wαnτ to use some grεεk lεttεrs.
Do it using &
+ first letter of the letter name.
Write tables.
I | have | no | head! |
And add fancy column names if you wish.
See | my | beautiful | header |
and | my | body | too |
Would you like to:
Display beautiful images:
let pastek =
This graph has been generated with dot
program, just adding %{ [cmd] dot = "dot -Tsvg - -" %}
anywhere in the document.
This diagram was generated using plantuml
Any missing feature? You still can write pure raw html (or any targetted format).
This div was directly written in raw html.