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Markup demo


Title level 4

Title level 5
Title level 6


A paragraph is made by one or more lines.

A blank line separates them.


Write documents using bold, italic, underline and strike.

Nest them!

Subscript and superscript

H2O needs a subscript, and 35Br needs superscript.

Douse beautifiers if you please.

Unordered lists

Orderer lists

  1. Same as unordered list
  2. Except you use sharp instead of hyphens
  3. But same-level items can not

Greek letters shortcut

Yοu mαy wαnτ to use some grεεk lεttεrs.

Do it using & + first letter of the letter name.


Write tables.


And add fancy column names if you wish.




Would you like to:


Display beautiful images:

Pastek logo

Display code

let pastek =

Use external program

Example using dot

This graph has been generated with dot program, just adding %{ [cmd] dot = "dot -Tsvg - -" %} anywhere in the document.

graphname a a b b a--b c c b--c d d b--d

Example using plantuml

This diagram was generated using plantuml.

Objectequals()ArrayListObject[] elementDatasize()

Write raw target code

Any missing feature? You still can write pure raw html (or any targetted format).

This div was directly written in raw html.