Title = words = (closing '=' are optionnal)
List # words
-- words
-- words
--- words
# words
Image [[ url || alt plain txt ]]
Link [[ url << displayed content ]]
[[ url ]]
[[ url ]] :: [[ real_url ]] (url substitution)
Bold **words**
Italic //words//
Underline __words__
Strike ~~words~~
Inline code ``words``
Inline source {{words}}
Inline Math $$words$$
Subscript _i (one sign)
_{index} (several signs)
Superscript ^i (one sign)
^{index} (several signs)
HTML entitie <
Greek letter &a
Table | head1 | head2 | head3 | (optionnal
+-----------------------------+ pair)
| cell1.1 | cell1.2 | cell1.3 |
| cell2.1 | cell2.2 | cell2.3 |
(pipes, plus and minus do not have to match)
Code block ```
let triple_backquoted =
"Code block"
External command %%%dot
graph graphname {
a -- b -- c;
b -- d;
Source block {{{<span style="color:blue">Inline source code.</span>}}}
<p style="color:red">
Introduce source code in your document.
Math block $$$
∀ a, b, c ∈ [0;9] | a < b,
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
Comment block <<<
This is a comment.
It won't be visible in final rendering.
Useful if you want to add thoughts in you document
especially to share them with other people working on
Configuration is written in TOML. It has to be embedded into your document using the %{ %}
As each rendering engine could expect different configuration, you should look at their documentation: